Monday 17 February 2014


Have you ever had times in your life when all you've needed someone to help you or someone to talk to? Relationships are one of the most important things while we live on earth. I know of two stories that show that people who are the most desperate for someone to help that they go to different lengths to get help.

The first, a speaker is talking in a stadium and he gets a notion from God to go and speak and pray for a lad sitting on the vary back row of the stadium. He goes up to speak to him puts his hand on his shoulder and the lad starts weeping. He says he needs to talk to someone and points at the screen and said that Gods left me and I asked him to send you up here to pray with me otherwise I was going to do something. The lad pulled out a gun with the intent of ending it all if someone hadn't spoken to him. But God sent him someone to help him through his troubles.

The second, a guy checks in at a hotel when another man walks in and says he needs petrol. So the first man takes him there. The first man then pays for a petrol can, petrol and some how just knows something is wrong. The second man opens up to him and says that his sister had a heart attack, he hasn't been paid from work and he hadn't felt god in his life for a while.

The only thing is God was there. God answered their silent prays. He put someone in their life to help. He saved one man from death and another from depression.

Maybe you've got troubles in your life right now that you need to talk to someone with. If you've never prayed then pray let God answer your prayer, or ask for God to put someone in your life to talk to you.

I was recently talking to two people who's families health or their own health was affected in serious ways. Their pray was answered when they asked for someone to talk to. Their faith was restored when they had someone to talk to. Their prayer was answered when they thought God was back in their life. The only thing was God handed left them. The relationship had been closed from one side. But not from Gods side.

Very often God has put people in our lives for a reason and most of the time we turn away those people. the thing is when we are at our most vulnerable and hurt, 9 out of 10 people say Jesus Christ. Some are cursing but others are asking him to take away the pain as quickly as possible.

But from after reading this, take the offer of talking to the person that's put in your life, say that prayer for God to help you.

Matthew Chapter 11 verse 28