Monday 17 October 2016

Give blood. #Noexcuses

So it's been a while since I last wrote a blog and a recent event has changed that. Recently our family lost two family members with in a very short space of time. The second is the main reason behind this post.

A few years ago I decided to sign up to give blood and after a year I eventually did it, not knowing how close to home it would affect us. People have always given different reason as to why they give blood or reasons why other people should and in one way or another they are all connected to that person. My reason to start with was to give hope to other people, now its to give other people time. Time to survive or in some cases enough time for someone to say goodbye.

A few weeks ago I went to visit uncle in hospital. He'd been in for a while and after speaking to the nurses I found out everything he'd been through during his time. One thing that struck me was that he'd had 20 units of blood in one week. This hit me like a freight train. As a blood donor you never find out who your blood has gone to only that its been donated at a certain hospital. I took that as a sign. I said my goodbyes before I left and the hardest of all, goodbye to my uncle. A few hours later, it was goodbye. Ever since then, my passion and will has never been stronger for more people to donate to help others in situations like this.

Even for me the hardest thing is seeing a needle entering the body, that is something I have overcome to help up to three people with every pint of blood that I give. My reason for this blog is to urge people to sign up to donate blood or platelets. It only takes 45 minutes out of your day and you could help to save the lifes of people you love and care about. So far three of my friends have taken the plunge and decided to donate. For 45 minutes of your time you could help change the lives of others. The commitment is low, donate every three months for a male and four months for a female, how hard is it really to turn up three/four times a year. If it helps there's even snacks!!!!!!

I had to overcome a lot to go and donate blood but now I have an extra reason to donate and I'll be donating while ever I can. When I sat in the chair today I booked my next appointment. The staff in my local center are top notch and with first timers they guide you through it every step of the way. So what ever your excuse is, take the plunge.

If I can over come my fears and doubts, then whats stopping you?

  • Approximately 1 out of every 7 people entering the hospital needs blood.
  • 1 donation has the potential to save as many as 3 lives.
  • 3 teaspoons of blood can save a baby's life.
  • If there are 100 people in a room, 46 will have type O blood, 40 will have type A, 10 will have type B and four will have type AB.
  • If 50 people donate, they could provide enough blood to take care of victims of a major car accident.
  • If 20 people donate, they could help 1 burn victim.

Missing letters, Join today. #noexcuses