Monday 20 May 2013


Have you ever had that moment in your life when you don't know which way to go, you feel like your at cross roads, or just feel like your in the middle of nowhere with no one around you.

I found recently that all these decisions can come up all at once. Since I've been university the first 2 and a bit years have flown by. Its now got to the stage where I've got to think about where I want to live, the type of job I want, which county or even country I want to live in. These decisions have been bothering me for a while now and its amazing how much thinking time you get when you've got nothing to do.

Everyday we're presented with problems and our choices and decisions impact what we do and how we do it. I attended a meeting the other day where I took the decision to pray for a friend of mine. God compelled me to pray for him. I prayed a prayer that I have never prayed before. After praying this he looked in to my eyes and God gave him the knowledge that he needed to know about me and through him God answered a prayer and thankfully it had a good answer. He took the decision to tell me the answer God gave him. A quote that I was also heard that night was "show me your friends and I'll show you your future". Never before has this quote been so easily brushed a side but is so easy to see from the outside.

We have decisions round us everyday, some hard some not. For me I was job searching the other day and found a job that would be perfect however it took me a while to figure out if I should go for it. but one thought came to me. "If I get it and something better comes a long then I can always leave".

I had a hard decision to make recently. My dad as taken in to hospital and the first diagnose wasn't brilliant. my decision was either to return home and not do a specific coaching course, or return home. But the thing is when we get decisions like this we often decide without thinking about it. If I had of returned home what could I of done. He was in hospital with doctors and nurses caring for him. the decision I took.... was to stay were I was.

Another decision I had to make during the winter was weather I wanted to take the captaincy for this coming season. the decision was playing this season as captain or play this season and get back to the standard I was at before my long term injury took too much toll on me. After taking it I can already see it having a good effect on me and improving me and others with Gods help.

Some of our decisions can come back to haunt us. As we look in the bible one story crops up with decisions and its the story of the talents. the basics of the story is that two people go away and double when their master gave them and the third person keeps what the master gave him and did nothing with it. When the master came back he was happy with the first two but not with the second. this decision came back to haunt him.

However the main this is being able to live with the decisions that we make and maybe accepting sometimes that we were wrong or that are more then one way to do something. I think the most declined decision that most people make in this world is not seeking help when its readily available.

Monday 6 May 2013

Skills, losing them and realising potential.

Its funny how he saying goes "you don't know what you've got till its gone or if you don't use it you'll lose it".

Well I thought I'd flip this round to see if you could do things that you didn't know you could do.

Recently I embarked on a few tough tasks to see if I could do what I never thought I could do or after having time off to see if I could still put those skills I had to use.

It all started recently when I served with my church on a ministry called Inside Out. Fantastic ministry. I embarked on some jobs in this area that I have never done before. I spent a week serving in different peoples houses or at the offices. in one house I found out that I had skills that I had never really used and didn't even know that I had. I had some idea about decorating and so it came as no shock when we got asked to decorate a ladies house which to be honest was fun and full of personal reward. However that wasn't the bit that surprised me.

The following day after decorating we returned and decided to lay a new carpet for her. To my surprise I was asked to assist even though I'd never laid one before and there was plenty of people there who had laid plenty of them and to my surprise it was fairly simple. Taking up the old carpet and carpet rods to then lay a new carpet and complete the removal of the old one.

It was amazing to see that I had these new skills that I didn't know I had and knowing what I know now not only will help me but will also help others too.

The second half of this blog is on skills that we might of lost or having something and then losing it but with a twist.

The first bit is on sport. I played my first game in nearly a year on Saturday and my second game on Sunday and its good to see that even though I have trained in a year or even bowled or batted that I still have the skills I had before and more then the last time I played.

This part is the hardest bit for me to write. This bit is on current affairs in my life. Having something then losing it. There's two close people that I know who are both got serious bad health. One is very close to me and another is a former work friend. The former work friend is slowly getting better and so is the other person. But I got a phone call the other week about one of the people and the question I'll ask is have you ever had someone so seriously ill that you've prepared yourself emotionally?

I have.

Its something that's hard to deal with when you get told the news and every day there's another piece of the jigsaw coming in and you have to try and fit it all together. I thought I was going to lose someone very dear to me however that was not the case. At least not yet anyway.

Its funny how life can kick us when we feel nothing can hurt us. However its funny that when we find something that we thought was lost or not using it can come in pretty handy.

Just look in the bible. The woman who had 10 coins and then lost one she looked for it until she found it and she through a party because she found 1 coin.

Look at the three servants who were given coins and two multiplied what they were given and one didn't.

So I guess my main question for you readers is this:

Are you going to find something that was lost and use it to multiply something for you or others


Are you going to just sit back and not both looking and hope that what you have is enough?