Saturday 8 September 2012

My Hernia. Read with a cuppa.

Ever since  got diagnosed with my hernia loads of people have asked two questions the most. 1) how'd you get it? and 2) How'd you know you'd get it. this was usually followed by " a hernia at you age". Now I know that at 21 its unusual for anyone of that age to get a hernia but like most malfunctions in the body it can happen at any age.

I first noticed the hernia one morning when going for a shower and like a normal bloke I ignored it. in the build up to finding it I had times where I was in total agony and on one occasion I end up on all falls after collapsing in pain. My first rule for injuries in particular is if it affects my cricket then something has to be done about it. Which in case could of cased more damaged and a longer lay off. it happened to be 3 months after I first notice the swelling where my hernia was that I then took noticed. I remember the game well as it was the first game in 3 weeks which I started to feel a lot of pain and discomfort. however I still carried on playing in that match. running up and balling 10 overs pretty much straight through with the odd stoppage to try and get rid of the pain. my investigation in to the lump got more in serious when I struggle to run in the same game. Something had to be done!!!!

4 days after that game I finally got in to the doctors to which he confirmed it was an inguinal hernia which could become more serious if the intestines carried on moving in to a strangulated hernia. My doctor gave me the news that I couldn't work and couldn't play sport but I could still umpire and score, which at least was some good news if anything. So taking my doctors advice on I played that night in the evening league match. which looking back was the best of things to do. towards the end I over stretched for a ball that shot over my head to which my wall muscle stiffened and contracted which then pulled on the intestines which had gone through the middle of the muscle. that confirmed to me that my season for the moment was over.

A few weeks down the line came pre op which I'll never forget, the doctor got me on the bed and was looking at the hernia she said "does it go back in if you push it in" I said no I knew how much pain I'd be in if she pushed it back in, i found that out myself!!!!!! So doing what she had said she tried to push it back in. now if he head had stayed where it was we'd had one less doctor in Nottingham, my knee shot up because of the pain and came up with such speed it would of connected with her temple.

Then came the operation day, it was 3 days after my mates wedding and 2 weeks before my holiday which was good timing. I'd never had an operation before but the nerves didn't show, I had a good laugh with he doctors and nurses. I also found at the you cant be allergic to hard work. I had the gas and the next thing i remember was being woken up shivering. after being moved to the ward the nurse said would you like tea and toast and my normal self came out I'd prefer a pint of lager and a bacon butty. I soon found out that not on the NHS menu so tea and toast it was. After 8 rounds of toast and 4 cups of tea later and after getting help to do basic stuff like getting changed came the had bit.............Walking.

Soon after I was allowed to go but before I did I asked the doctor 2 questions that seriously needed answering 1) was it a weak spot in the muscle or had I torn it. he confirmed that it was a weak sport that I could of had since birth and 2)  What about the other side?. Ge confirmed that he couldn't see anything and I had to continue to rest which is hard to do. I'm happy to say the recovery is going well however I still cant do some of the stuff I want to do.

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