Friday 12 July 2013

Graduation. End of an era

So its that time again. The end of an era/year. I have to say the past three years have been the most enjoyable years of my life. Meeting new friends, growing in my religion, passing university with a 2:1, earning responsibility. But it hasn't always been an easy ride. with car crashes, health problems, operations, worrying, hard work, long travels and a lot of money spent. But its been worth it.

For me this is a sad time. Leaving my friends in Preston and university mates going back to different counties and countries you always have this feeling inside of 'will I ever see them again'? Although technology is good this days it does help having Facebook and mobiles.

However the main point of the blog isn't to talk about graduation its about the future. Unlike last year I have two options this year which hopefully one of them will come true. The first is my PGCE interview next week, the other is about going back to Preston to to join the church academy and study for another year. Both of these are perfect for me because of my high work level and my religion. 

I was given a mat in my graduation card from my parents. The picture below shows you what was included on it. The thing that got my thinking about this is the fact we don't really get told to do it. Even if we do we come up with excuses about not being able to do it. But should we take a step of faith and go for it and see how far we get or do we wait to see if we can do it in the future. 

If I acted upon my own advice I've been on the first plane to Australia for the summer to coach and play cricket. 

But maybe you just need to look at the picture below and say "I'm going to do it"

Whether its finishing university with a high grade, getting your perfect job, marrying the young lady you've been with for years or moving to your first home.

Just go for it and remember, God is with you.

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